Some info for anyone who might come across the same problem I did today:
This morning I woke up, expecting the usual SnapRAID daily email from my server, but was surprised to see nothing in my Inbox. I took a look back through my history, and noticed my Cron emails had also stopped being sent, with the last one arriving just before 2:30 EST yesterday. This is what I saw when I looked at the mail logs in /var/log/mail.err:
Code: Select all
Mar 30 08:05:06 server sSMTP[1777]: Invalid response: 501 5.5.4 HELO/EHLO argument invalid, closing connection. ez6sm5598611pab.12 - gsmtp (
Mar 30 08:05:06 server sSMTP[1777]: Cannot open
It seems that Gmail is now filtering out special characters from the hostname we provide through SSMTP! I changed this to "email.address" instead of "", and it works perfectly!
Hopefully this helps everyone else who happens to come across this little problem.