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Windows 95 Laptop

Posted: May 13th, 2012, 10:56 pm
by Andy Horn
I got a call from a guy last Friday asking me if I could fix a Laptop for him, nothing out of the ordinary there.

The company he works for are contracted to supply and operate the Loco's in the recently reopened steel works up here in Teesside.

The software that they use for data logging and such like will only work on Win 95, the Laptop in question is goosed and I just happened to have an old RM Laptop that has Win 95 installed.

After I cloned the HDD out of the dead Lappy on to the HDD out my Lappy I found that it would not boot, so I had to dig out my USB floppy drive and create a boot floppy and after 2 simple commands fdisk /mbr and sys c:, my old Lappy booted up with the software installed required to run the trains, I guess it must like a giant Hornby trainset.

Such a simple way fixing a problem, unlike more modern systems when you do this sort of thing Windows needs to activated.
